FTF – Event: Carolina Fiber Fest 2017

I’ve heard of Carolina Fiber Fest before, but never attended until this year.  In the past, I always thought that it was more for spinners, with just a lot of roving and such.  I have an interest in spinning, but since I’m just starting to really settle into crochet, and I’m already learning to knit in addition, I thought I might want to, you know, actually make some progress with knitting – or whittle down some of my yarn stash, perhaps – before committing to yet another fiber art hobby.  I’m sure my budget and my husband (aka the Budget Master) would thank me for that.  Besides, I have this uncanny ability to find out about events when I have no time to plan and prepare to attend, so in the past I’ve not been able to even go and see what all the fuss is about.

But this year I was ready!  Possibly due to hearing about it too-late-to-go last year and following their Facebook page to keep up with the next years.  And as it turns out, Carolina Fiber Fest is for yarnies too! 😀 Continue reading